Who are you and where do you work?
My name is Vincent, I work for Garrincha at Fosbury & Sons Alfons co-working space in Dilbeek. At Garrincha, I am responsible for marketing and eventing. Garrincha is an urban sports company focusing mainly on indoor sports that was founded in 2016. Since then, we have grown considerably and thus needed an office. This is when we found in Fosbury & Sons Alfons in Dilbeek.
What made you a Gustomer?
There aren't a lot of food places around so Gus is definitely an oasis in the desert here. Of course, there are some surrounding restaurants like McDonalds and some sandwich shops that we could also go to. However, Gus makes sure we have a healthy and quick bite very close by. We just have to take the lift down and have food in a few minutes, which is obviously very convenient. What I also love is that Gus caters for both breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner! I am regularly in the office at 6 o'clock in the morning and then it is nice to be able to have a small tasty breakfast at 9 o'clock.
What is your experience with Gus foods?
The app works very well, I have to give my compliments on that; I haven't experienced any problems yet. My colleagues also use it often. For me even when I bring food from home, I am often guilty of a quick bite or snack, but these are more likely to be the smaller things. I like the buns, wraps and American cookies.

Had you heard of Gus before? Would you recommend it?
Hadn't heard of Gus and I didn't know you guys had other fridges! I would definitely recommend it though. Especially as you added a lot of variety in the last few months. Different things have been added, including smaller snacks. I also speak for my colleagues when I say that we like the fact that there is also a lot of food for €4- €5 so that you don't always have to go straight for a big food bowl of €8 - €9. You've got us covered for a small bite or when we're starving.
What is your all time favorite Gus foods products?
My favourites are the chocolate chip cookies. I am vegetarian so I also love the Italian buns!